In our school nine divisions share 25 iPads, so it always requires careful planning and negotiations when someone would like to use them outside their scheduled time. Plus, some classes regularly need 4-5 iPads for their centers or Daily Five activities, so there are chances that you don't end up with a full set.
It's really nice to have the extra iPads for the grade 6/7 classes! And here is an activity they used them for in French:
The students have just finished the latest unit on 'School' vocabulary. They were participating in a French scavenger hunt, where they were asked to take photos of the items on their list. The next step is to create a photo collage by using these photos.
Unfortunately we have missed some of the French classes this month, due to Pro-D days and other days-off, so we are a bit behind with our plans.
This week we'll be starting our next unit about celebrations. Here is the outline:
TERM 1: Français 6/7-
Le voyage et la francophonie
Big Ideas:
With simple French, we can describe ourselves and our interests.
Each culture has traditions and ways of
Curricular Competencies:
Thinking and communicating
- Comprehend key information in slow, clear speech and other simple texts
- Interpret non-verbal cues to increase comprehension
Personal and social awareness
- Identify Francophone communities across Canada
- Identify a Francophone cultural festival or celebration in Canada
- common, high-frequency vocabulary and sentence structures for communicating meaning:
common questions
common questions
and introductions
basic information
about themselves and others
dislikes, preferences, and interests
elements of cultural festivals and celebrations
- communities where French is spoken across Canada
- a Francophone cultural festival or celebration in Canada
I am going to start to teach them how to use Book Creator, so when they have to create their own books about French celebrations, they will be ready!